Our strengths

Free quotes!
We will make all necessary measurements and prepare a simple, yet very comprehensive quote free of charge.
The most modern technology!
Our company uses the technologies developed by: illbruckknaufsoudalfast and many more. Our team has been trained in the use of products of the above companies.
Advisory services!
The number of producers operating in the market of building materials is vast. Our advisers will help you choose the most appropriate materials for your project.
High discounts!
We partner a number of other companies in the construction industry as well as wholesalers and manufacturers. This allows us to obtain high discounts for our customers for materials.


Commitment to providing honesty and integrity, strong work ethic and exceptional quality.


Our company has been providing construction services for many years. We strive to ensure that our services are swift, professional and performed using the most modern technology.

Our company has been operating on the Polish market for eight years; we have entered the Belgium market 3 years ago. We have been trusted numerous customers. To learn more about the completed projects visit "Completed Works" section.

We are one of the few companies on the market which can offer attractive prices of windows and doors and gates thanks to long-lasting partnerships with leading manufacturers! This will save you time and money and, most importantly, will guarantee that you can enjoy the selected products for the years to come. To learn more, contact us!

While primarily focussed on renovation of houses and estates, we also provide joinery and other general construction services. We work using equipment and machinery of the best global brands in order to ensure the highest possible standard of construction work for our clients.